Gallery Conference Hall -I Conference Hall With seating arrangement and other technology facilities Conference Hall -II Seminar hall with the seating arrangement and other technology facilities ICT Lab with all the necessary facilities and updated software Library with surplus resources. A.V room Work experience room ICT training for BT ASSISTANT in SM.Nagar Avadi GHSS villivakkam block NILP program inauguration in Poonamallee block. ADT phase-2,4th term-1 book review work HI Tech Lab GMHS Thirur Respected principal madam is instructing teachers to class 1-5 tamil text book review team. Inauguration of ICT training at GGHSS, Redhills National Space Day-Discussion During interaction with spl children celebrating Krishna jeyanthi. Main Album » school visit thiruvalluer district R.Ponmani,Lecturer interacting with students {"slidestoshow":3,"slidestoscroll":1,"dots":"true","arrows":"true","autoplay":"true","autoplay_interval":3000,"speed":300,"loop":"true","lazyload":""}